Saturday, October 8, 2011


Have you ever been in love? Because I am! There is this boy, his name is Wesley. He has beautiful blue eyes! He has the most beautiful smile that you will ever see! He is my son. I love him. I am not sure if "son" is the correct term that I should use, but it is what I am going with. I had him almost a whole year ago, and I placed him for adoption. He is eleven months old right now and is the most beautiful baby in the entire world!
This is my perfect little boy and me when he was about nine months old.

Wes is my reason for everything! He was always there for me when I was big and fat and Pregnant. I love him every day and I don't think that he will ever know how much I truly love him. When I had Wes, I was seventeen years old and a Jr. in High School. Before I had Wes, I was a D'ette at Davis High.

Yes, I am rather proud of this fact! Haha!! At the end of my sophomore year I became pregnant and my world changed forever. I was alone except for my boyfriend at the time, and Wesley's father, Matt. I thought that we would be together forever. But of course, life happens and reality hits and then you are left with nothing but that bitter taste in your mouth, wishing that something different would have happened, but of course, it didn't. So you go on with your life, one way or another.
It wasn't long until I became so big that I had to face a reality. I was probably going to have stretch marks. Wes was due November 15, 2010. I was positive that he was going to be born on Halloween. I was so, so sure. I was very close!

I was just huge on Halloween with my sister, Katie

I was so sure in fact that I was going to have him that I accidentally put myself in Labor not 24 hours labor.. This couldn'g have anything to do with this..

I had Wes early in the morning on November 2, 2010 He was 5 lbs, 13 oz and as perfect as could be. I placed him for adoption two days later, on the fourth, and I tried my hardest to return to life without my little bundler of perfection.

very scared
patiently waiting
And just like that, he was here

I know that those were a lot of pictures and not a lot of expination, but I just don't think that a lot of explination is needed. That is my story of my son. He is my life and has made me who I am today. I am so unbelievably proud of him and I will love him forever.

1 comment:

  1. I think every birth mother has "tried my hardest to return to life without my little bundler of perfection". It's so much harder to do than we can ever put into words. I'm glad you've started to blog. It's helped me in the "healing" process SO much!
